How I sell knowledge, and how you could too.🎓

Sep 09, 2024

One of the school mums recently pointed out that she has absolutely no idea what I do.

I get it. 

Even people who have known me for a long time, can find it hard to understand how I make money while working from home or get paid to travel. 

When I was a journalist or a magazine editor, that was easier to understand.

When I had a company, even that was clearer.

Nowadays, it’s a little bit murky and mysterious.

The truth is the thing I do most often … 

… I teach the things I’ve learnt. 

I take all the knowledge I’ve gained working as a journalist, being an editor, running a social enterprise and developing strategies for nonprofit marketing and share it. 

Most often in the form of digital classes or sometimes through hands on consulting. 

Most of what I do is in the form of assets I get to sell, over and over again. 

It may sound like a wild way to make a living, but the truth is most people are know have some brilliant knowledge or secret sauce that they could also be making money from. 

I know you may not think this is for you. But it always amazes me how much knowledge the people I work with in the cause space have. If you looked around your organisation close enough, I guarantee you’d have a re-sellable scaleable course in you (or more like 5!). 

Or maybe you’ve personally got some knowledge you'd love to share and you’d like to have a crack at your own side hustle.

Believe me, if I can figure it out anyone can. If it has ever appealed to you, I highly recommend investigated it further.

One of the big lessons I learnt from my friend Amy Porterfield, when I learnt how to create my first digital course is... 

...even if something like it already exists, nobody would teach your knowledge or experience quite the way you do.

And right now, Amy is about to open her once a year Course Confident Bootcamp. 

By the end of five days, she’ll help you: 

🎉 Figure out your course idea and title

🎉 Work out what format it should take

🎉 Start building an audience to launch to and, best of all… 

🎉 Build the CONFIDENCE that you can do this and that you are every bit as qualified as you need to be to have a profitable digital course. 

And after the 5 days, you'll also have a new community of fellow course creators to stay on and hang out with in the Facebook group. 

…All for $47 USD? I mean, if you’ve ever considered monetising your knowledge, this is the way to figure out if it is for you.

It all starts on September 11th.  

Join us inside the Course Confident Bootcamp here. [My affiliate link] 

See you there,

PS – If you join the Bootcamp within 48 hours, you’ll also receive my 10 Steps to Marketing Your Organisation Masterclass totally free.

It’s my special gift for joining Course Confident through me! 🎁

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