Challenge yourself: Why I am learning French.

Sep 04, 2024

For the last year and a half, I have been taking French lessons.

Yep, moi, trying to wrap my tongue around those tricky conjugations and nasal vowels. And let me tell you, it's hard. Like, brain-melting, confidence-crushing hard.

There's no real "reason" for me to be doing this. I'm not planning a trip to Paris anytime soon (though wouldn't that be lovely?). I don't need it for my business. Heck, I'm not even sure I'm good at it.

So why am I putting myself through this linguistic torture?

Because it's challenging.

Because it's satisfying.

Because it's just for me. 

And because sometimes, the best things in life are the ones we do for no other reason than the sheer 'why not' of it.

You know, we spend so much of our lives trying to be practical and sensible. We make choices based on what we think we should do, instead of what we want to do.

We get stuck in our comfort zones, afraid to step outside the lines and try something new.

But what if the most amazing opportunities are waiting for us just beyond those lines?

What if the key to unlocking our full potential lies in embracing the unknown, in taking a leap of faith and doing something we've never considered before?

I remember hearing a story from Will Smith about the time he went parachuting. He was so nervous before hand and when he jumped, all he could think about was why he wasted so much time being scared. 

What would you do if you weren't afraid?

Right now, my hot tip is to join my mentor Amy Porterfield's Live Bootcamp called Course Confident

Amy is my not-so-secret business crush, and has helped me build so much of my own business.

If you've been contemplating a personal side hustle or looking for a new revenue option for your nonprofit, cause or small biz - I highly recommend exploring if an online course would work for you.

She will teach live in the group and take you through: 

- What you could teach (that aligns with your passion)

- What you could sell it for (it's more than you think)

- How to structure your course content

- How to build an audience ready to enrol.

Even though I've been teaching courses for years, I'll be in there too!

Because it's only $49USD for the whole thing - which is just too freakin' good to miss out on. 

So, if you're ready to ditch the "shoulds" and embrace the "wants", then come join me in the Course Confident Bootcamp

Bisous (because it's a tres, tres, French thing to say),

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