Ditch the Doubt & Make Mistakes!

Aug 20, 2024

Alright, perfectionista.

Yeah, you. The one with the colour-coded planner and the mile-long to-do list.

You think everything has to be just so before you take a step? Newsflash: The world doesn't reward flawless plans, it rewards action.

Messy, imperfect, glorious action.

I've built a business on my own, and I'm here to tell you that the real power is in making mistakes. 

Doing the thing and getting it wrong... not in getting it right each and every time. Because nobody does that!

Doubt is a sneaky little gremlin, always whispering "you're not ready" or "what if you fail?". But here's the secret: Everyone feels that way.

The difference between those who succeed and those who stay stuck? They lace up their sneakers (trainers if you prefer) and do the damn thing anyway.

So ditch the doubt. 

Embrace the mess. Take imperfect action and watch the magic unfold.

Do the thing,


P.S. If you need a little nudge (or a swift kick in the pants), I've got a whole toolbox of goodies waiting for you. Just click the links below and let's get this party started!

Want more help with social media, digital marketing, storytelling or generally getting more results for what your organisation already does?

Perfect. Start here for these and other training options: 

🙋♀️How to Use LinkedIn for a NonProfit or Impact Organisation (Get it here)

💰 Fundraise on Facebook Like a Professional (Learn here)

🤖 ChatGPT Marketing Masterclass (Dive in Now)

🎨 How to Design with Canva (Grab it here)

📈 Create More Effective Social Media Content (Get it here)

📆 Social Media Key Dates & ideas for posting (Snap it Up Here)

✋ 5 Steps to Telling a Story with Purpose (Get it free here)

👀 Make the Most of Instagram for NonProfits & Impact Businesses (Watch it now)

🎉 Get ALL my classes, templates, resourced and all the things you will ever need (Check it out)

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