Forget the Tin Can, Embrace the Growth Triangle!

Aug 12, 2024

If you're looking for growth in your organisation, it's time to ditch the outdated tactics (shaking a tin can at the supermarket, anyone?) and level up.

Today, I'm sharing with the Growth Triangle.

This powerful framework isn't just some fancy jargon. It's the secret weapon of successful nonprofits in our digital age, where information overload reigns supreme.

Imagine a triangle. Now picture each side representing a crucial element for nonprofit growth. Let's take a look at the three. 

#1 Market: Forget the spray-and-pray approach! We're all about laser focus. Define your ideal supporter with ninja-like precision. Understand their needs, wants, and what makes them tick. This clarity is key to crafting messages that resonate.

#2 Message: Speaking of messages, ditch the generic stuff. Speak directly to your ideal supporter's heart. What problem do you solve for them? How can you frame your cause as the answer to their prayers? Emotional connection is king! Generic content isn't going to get it done.

#3 Medium: Now that you know your audience and your message, it's time to pick the perfect platform to deliver it. Not all platforms are created equal. Are your supporters on TikTok dancing the night away? Or maybe they're cheering on their favourite team at the local arena? Find your people where they hang out and tailor your message to fit the platform.

Remember: Resources are tight in the nonprofit world. By focusing on these three sides of the Growth Triangle, you can work smarter, not harder.

You'll reach the right people with the right message at the right time.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your metaphorical compass and start mapping out your Growth Triangle. 

Happy mapping,

Rather watch this lesson on video? Check it out on YouTube below. 


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